Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II

Genres: Strategy
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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Articles

THQ extend Warhammer 40,000 license agreement
THQ extend Warhammer 40,000 license agreement

Game Workshop let THQ make more Warhammer 40k games

THQ announces Dawn of War II expansion Chaos Rising
THQ announces Dawn of War II expansion Chaos Rising

Standalone expansion introduces the horror of the Chaos Space Marines

Warhammer 40K: DoW II Unit Guide: Eldar Units
Warhammer 40K: DoW II Unit Guide: Eldar Units

Games Xtreme takes a look at the Eldar Units in Dawn of War 2

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Review
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Review

The Blood Raven's homeworld has been attacked. It is up to you as a newly promoted Force Commander to turn the tide of battle. We check out the future of rts in Relic's Dawn of War II

Warhammer 40K: DoW II Unit Guide: Eldar Heroes
Warhammer 40K: DoW II Unit Guide: Eldar Heroes

Games Xtreme takes a look at the Eldar Heroes in Dawn of War 2

Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Space Marine Heroes
Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Space Marine Heroes

The Imperium's Space Marines are the front line defence for this gothic and decadent society. Soldiers for the Emperor of Man. Games Xtreme examines the faction in detail.

Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Ork Units
Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Ork Units

Games Xtreme continues out look at the Dawn of War 2 Beta units, with the Ork Unit Guide. WAAAGH!!!

Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Ork Heroes
Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Ork Heroes

As part of our continuing look at the Dawn of War II factions, Games Xtreme presents the Heroes of the Orks.

Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Space Marine Troops
Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Space Marine Troops

The Imperium's Space Marines are the front line defence for this gothic and decadent society. Soldiers for the Emperor of Man. Games Xtreme examines the regular troops in this faction.

Warhammer 40K: DoW II Beta Guide
Warhammer 40K: DoW II Beta Guide

Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2 is set to thunder onto PCs in February. Games Xtreme takes a look at the multiplayer beta and focusses on the first of the four playable factions. The Imperium's finest, the Space Marines.