Warhammer 40K: DoW II (beta) Unit Guide: Space Marine Heroes
The Imperium's Space Marines are the front line defence for this gothic and decadent society. Soldiers for the Emperor of Man. Games Xtreme examines the faction in detail.
In Dawn of War II you'll notice right away that the Space Marines are stronger than many of the other faction units, they however suffer a higher cost when they lose a squad. The requisition and power cost to bring out these units is a lot higher. This particular article looks at the units of the Imperium's finest and marks the first of the four faction guides to the up-coming Dawn of War 2.
The Space Marine Heroes
The Force Commander
This unit is a strong melee unit; armed with a close-quarters weapon (the chainsword) he can make mincemeat of most hand-to-hand opponents when fully upgraded. The Force Commander is ideal for the player who likes to get in and get their hands dirty. Space Marines accumulate Zeal from battles and this powers their special abilities that can be called in when the requirements have been met.
Special Abilities
For the Emperor: A targeted squad is given a bonus in combat. The squad is temporarily given a ranged combat boost but loses the ability to move.
- Zeal: 125
Drop Pod: A squad of Tactical Marines drops in and is delivered to the target position. This also reinforces nearby squads.
- Zeal: 500
- Requisition: 400
- Population: 15
- Tech Level: 2
Deep Strike Terminator Assault Squad: A squad of Assault Terminator Space Marines is ported into the area. Terminators cannot fall back, they cannot be suppressed and they inspire other troops when seen killing enemies. These are one of the most powerful squads that you can field, truly awe inspiring and deadly when used correctly.
- Zeal: 900
- Requisition: 900
- Population: 24
- Tech Level: 3
Deep Strike Terminator Squad: A squad of Terminator Space Marines is teleported into the area. These obey the same rules as the previous squad and cannot be suppressed, or fall back. They inspire the troops as they mow down the foes of the Imperium of Man.
- Zeal: 900
- Requisition: 900
- Population: 24
- Tech Level: 3
Orbital Bombardment: The Battle Barge in orbit calls down a tremendous blast from its Orbital Strike weapons. This will lay waste to a large area and is capable of destroying buildings, cover and some of the heaviest units.
- Zeal: 750
- Tech Level: 3
Force Commander Ability
Battle Cry: The Force Commander becomes temporarily immune to knockback and can perform Special Melee attacks with every single strike. He inspires nearby troops and they gain a bonus for a while.
Force Commander Upgrades (Wargear)
Power Sword: This equips the Force Commander with the Power Sword and Plasma Pistol. Making him more effective against infantry and giving a bonus to the Battle Cry ability.
- Requisition: 120
- Power: 25
Artificer Armour: Equips the Force Commander with a better suit of armour. This increases his health and his health regeneration.
- Requisition: 125
- Power: 25
Iron Halo: A unit upgrade that allows the Force Commander to activate an energy shield. This absorbs damage by using energy.
- Requisition: 120
- Power: 30
Chainsword and Storm Shield: This gives the Force Commander the Defend ability; this ability allows nearby allies a greater resistance to damage.
- Requisition: 150
- Power: 30
Armour of Alacrity: A new suit of armour that allows the Force Commander to Sprint. It also boosts his health and overall speed.
- Requisition: 110
- Power: 20
Teleporter Pack: Allows the Force Commander to teleport to a selected location.
- Requisition: 40
- Power: 40
- Tech Level: 2
Thunder Hammer: This grants the Force Commander the mighty Thunder Hammer. This vicious hand to hand weapon is capable of smashing infantry and can sometimes result in knockback.
- Requisition: 150
- Power: 30
- Tech Level: 2
Terminator Armour: This equips the Force Commander with a suit of Terminator Armour. This removes his current wargear and replaces it with Terminator upgrades: The Assault Cannon and the Heavy Flamer.
- Requisition: 300
- Power: 150
- Tech Level: 3
Sacred Standard: This gives the Force Commander a standard bearing the might of the Imperium. It is an inspirational sight and will grant troops bonuses when they see it. If the Force Commander dies in battle, the bonus will be even greater.
- Requisition: 140
- Power: 30
- Tech Level: 3
Power Fist: This equips the Force Commander with a massive powered gauntlet. The Power Fist grants the Flesh Over Steel ability that can stun a target vehicle. It is useful against large targets and vehicles.
- Requisition: 200
- Power: 65
- Tech Level: 3
The Apothecary
This is the ideal commander for the player who likes to support their allies. This commander is adept in battlefield survival and can heal allies; his upgrades allow for a variety of health regains and support options. The Apothecary is not as strong in hand to hand or ranged combat compared to the Force Commander but can take a beating out there in the battlefield.
Apothecary Abilities
Larraman's Blessing: This allows the Apothecary to instantly revive all unconscious commanders on the battlefield.
- Zeal: 225
Drop Pod: A squad of Tactical Marines drops in and is delivered to the target position. This also reinforces nearby squads.
- Zeal: 500
- Requisition: 400
- Population: 15
- Tech Level: 2
Angels of Death: This renders all of your infantry units temporarily invulnerable.
- Zeal: 400
- Tech Level: 2
Deep Strike Terminator Squad: A squad of Terminator Space Marines is teleported into the area. These obey the same rules as the previous squad and cannot be suppressed, or fall back. They inspire the troops as they mow down the foes of the Imperium of Man.
- Zeal: 900
- Requisition: 900
- Population: 24
- Tech Level: 3
Orbital Bombardment: The Battle Barge in orbit calls down a tremendous blast from its Orbital Strike weapons. This will lay waste to a large area and is capable of destroying buildings, cover and some of the heaviest units.
- Zeal: 750
- Tech Level: 3
Apothecary Ability
Heal: The core ability of the Apothecary improves as the commander gains levels. It heals a targeted squad.
Apothecary Upgrades (Wargear)
Annointed Power Axe: This Power Axe steals energy from enemies when it strikes them. It is particularly useful against foes that rely on those energy reserves for their special abilities.
- Requisition: 80
- Power: 25
Armour of Purity: A useful upgrade to the Apothecary's equipment, this armour gives him increased health and reduces the time on his Heal ability.
- Requisition: 100
- Power: 25
Purification Rites: This grants an additional effect to the Heal ability. When the Apothecary uses the Heal ability it will damage nearby enemies.
- Requisition: 120
- Power: 25
Master-Crafted Bolter: The Imperium's Space Marine Bolter is a fearsome weapon; this is an upgraded version and allows the Apothecary to access the Full Auto ability. This gives a knock back effect and damage within an area.
- Requisition: 85
- Power: 25
Combat Stimulant Equipment: This gives the Apothecary the Combat Stimulant ability; this allows allied infantry to gain a temporary bonus to their fighting effectiveness.
- Requisition: 90
- Power: 25
- Tech Level: 2
Purification Vials: These grenades are good at disrupting enemy formations. They are very good when used against infantry.
- Requisition: 130
- Power: 25
Sanguine Chainsword: This brutal Chainsword gives health to the Apothecary as he engages in melee combat. It rips through his foes and sheds blood in the name of the Emperor!
- Requisition: 100
- Power: 30
- Tech Level: 2
Armour of the Apothecarion: This formidable armour grants the Apothecary several bonuses. It gives the commander more health and increased health regeneration. It unlocks the Advanced Healing ability that allows the Apothecary to heal troops in an area around him, costing energy. Additionally if the Apothecary is rendered unconscious there is a chance the advanced medical systems will bring him round shortly after.
- Requisition: 200
- Power: 80
- Tech Level: 2
Improved Medical Equipment: This upgrade grants the Apothecary more energy reserves and energy regeneration. This is especially useful when stacked alongside the previous Wargear.
- Requisition: 120
- Power: 30
- Tech Level: 2
The Techmarine
Whilst there's no base building in Dawn of War 2, there are some in-field fortifications and upgrades that are possible to various static locations. The Techmarine is the commander that's suited to the support/defensive player. He has several abilities that can keep your forces vehicles and those of your allies up and running, as well as access to emplaced turrets and teleportation relays.
Techmarine Abilities
Blessing of the Omnissiah: All allied vehicles regain health as the ability initiates repair procedures.
- Zeal: 250
Drop Pod: A squad of Tactical Marines drops in and is delivered to the target position. This also reinforces nearby squads.
- Zeal: 500
- Requisition: 400
- Population: 15
- Tech Level: 2
Venerable Dreadnought Drop Pod: This massive war-walker of the Imperium inspires troops when it kills enemies, they will gain a boost if the Dreadnought is in line of sight. This machine can wreak havoc on the battlefield and is best used when escorted by other squads to provide cover and protection from other walkers/tanks.
- Zeal: 750
- Requisition: 750
- Population: 18
- Tech Level: 3
Deep Strike Terminator Squad: A squad of Terminator Space Marines is teleported into the area. These obey the same rules as the previous squad and cannot be suppressed, or fall back. They inspire the troops as they mow down the foes of the Imperium of Man.
- Zeal: 900
- Requisition: 900
- Population: 24
- Tech Level: 3
Orbital Bombardment: The Battle Barge in orbit calls down a tremendous blast from its Orbital Strike weapons. This will lay waste to a large area and is capable of destroying buildings, cover and some of the heaviest units.
- Zeal: 750
- Tech Level: 3
Techmarine Special Abilities
Tarantula Turret: Allows the Techmarine to build a turret that can protect a forward facing fire-arc. The turret can suppress enemy infantry.
- Requisition: 200
- Power: 30
- Population: 5
Teleporter Relay Beacon: The Techmarine builds a Teleporter Relay Beacon that provides a fall back point and can reinforce units, heal allies.
- Requisition: 200
- Power: 30
- Population: 5
Proximity Mine: Allows the Techmarine to lay down mines that explode when the enemy draw near. It requires the Artificer Armour to enable.
Repair: The Techmarine repairs the targeted allied vehicle.
Techmarine Upgrades (Wargear)
Plasma Gun: Good against infantry and heavy infantry. It also grants the Techmarine the Overcharge ability that allows him to increase the rate of his weapon's fire.
- Requisition: 100
- Power: 25
Artificer Armour: A new suit of armour grants the Techmarine increased health regeneration and extra health. It also unlocks the Proximity Mine ability.
- Requisition: 110
- Power: 25
Orbs of the Omnissiah: This upgrades the Techmarine with energy grenades. These grenades can temporarily immobilise vehicles and drain energy from units.
- Requisition: 120
- Power: 25
- Tech Level: 2
Consecrated Bolter: With blessings and rites from the Omnissiah, this bolter has been given to the Techmarine and grants him the Brothers in Arms ability, to boost the range of allied troops when activated. It is highly effective against infantry.
- Requisition: 135
- Power: 25
Bionics: The Techmarine has installed bionic upgrades that grant him the Powerful Sweep ability. It also boosts the commander's health.
- Requisition: 115
- Power: 25
Refractor Field: A powerful energy field surrounds the Techmarine. This field absorbs damage at the cost of energy.
- Requisition: 125
- Power: 25
- Tech Level: 2
Master-Crafted Bolter: This weapon is highly effective against infantry, similar to the Apothecary's bolter in many ways. It grants the High Powered Shot ability and this causes a high degree of damage and suppresses enemy infantry.
- Requisition: 100
- Power: 40
- Tech Level: 2
Signum Armour: The Techmarine is granted Signum Armour. This boots his attack power and gives him the ability to Mark Target.
- Requisition: 135
- Power: 25
- Tech Level: 2
Come back Monday for a look at the regular units of the Space Marines.