Complete game in EASY mode.
Finish level 1 in NORMAL or HARD mode without taking damage.
Finish full game in HARD mode.
Reach 30 000 points in the main game.
Complete all the challenges.
Get all the previous trophies.
Finish level 2 in NORMAl or HARD without using bow.
Finish level 3 in NORMAL or HARD in less than 4 minutes.
Finish level 4 in NORMAL or HARD without getting any orb or item.
Finish level 5 in NORMAL or HARD without using HELPERS.
Finish level 6 in NORMAL or HARD without using SWORD.
Finish level 7 in NORMAL or HARD without losing a life.
Finish full game in NORMAL mode.
Reach 1000 points in challenges total score.