Kill 4,000 enemies.
Perform 500 Counterattacks on the Master Soul difficulty.
In Act 1, drown at least 2 enemies in the waterway.
In Act 2, successfully weave through the rolling boulders.
In Act 2, knock off at least 2 enemies into the left ritual well.
While riding on a boat in Act 3, use Soul Focus to rescue a Soul.
In Act 3, complete the absorption puzzle without hitting or getting damaged by enemies.
Absorb the Twisted Lady’s Soul in Act 3.
Break all the barriers in the back garden in Act 4.
Open the sealed door in Act 4.
Play the secret melody on the chimes in Act 4.
Find the secret location, The Tomb of Everything.
Execute the Unsouled with the twisted soul in Act 5.
Find all secret passageways in Act 5.
Absorb all Active Souls.
Eliminate every type of enemy using a counter.
Absorb all Passive Souls.
Fully upgrade all skills.
Fully upgrade all stats.
Successfully restore your body in Alpha Laboratory.
Successfully restore your soul in Alpha Laboratory.
Defeat Ammu.
Defeat Ammu (trueform).
Defeat Ammu (trueform) on the Master Soul difficulty with Thousand Demons while avoid getting frozen.
Complete all battle system and counterattack missions in the Abyss.
Do 100 consecutive Chains.
Successfully do a 100-hit combo in the Abyss.
Complete all of the Abyss combo missions.
Successfully perform 20 Chain counters on the Master Soul difficulty.
Successfully perform 10 Chain counters on the Master Soul difficulty.
There’s a first time for everything.
Defeat Niug on the Master Soul difficulty, only using counters.
Defeat Niug.
Defeat Niug on the upper floor, on the Master Soul difficulty.
Defeat Gnar on the Master Soul difficulty, without using counters or Just Guards.
Defeat Gnar.
Defeat Gnar at a special location on the Master Soul difficulty,
On the Master Soul difficulty, deliver a killing blow to Irus using projectile counter followed by a chain counter without getting burned.
Defeat Irus
Defeat Irus at a special location on the Master Soul difficulty.
Obtain a Little Ghost Soul.
Perform 300 Just Guards on the Master Soul difficulty.
Defeat Kamas.
Defeat Kamas on the Master Soul difficulty without getting damaged by Just Guards or counters, and successfully land 8 or more counters, before delivering the killing blow with a counter.
Defeat Lad on the Master Soul difficulty, destroying every pillar and finishing the fight with a Just Guard counter.
Defeat Lad.
Defeat Lad at a special location on the Master Soul difficulty.
Defeat Luyh.
Defeat Lyuh without using Active Soul and maintaining at least 10 Chains and a 10-hit combo.
Knock 200 enemies off a ledge.
Defeat and clear all bosses and stages on Master Soul difficulty.
Find all viewpoints.
Defeat Kamas on the MS diff, no damaged by J-Guards or Counter, land 8 counters, finish with counter
Defeat Lyuh on the MS diff without using Active Soul and maintaining at least 10 Chains and 10 combo
Defeat Ammu (trueform) on the Master Soul difficulty with Thousand Demons while avoid getting frozen
In Act 2, successfully weave through the rolling boulders on the Master Soul difficulty.
On the MS diff, killing blow to Irus using proj-counter and a chain counter without getting burned.
Defeat Lad on the MS diff, destroying every pillar n finishing the fight with a Just Guard counter.