Get all achievements
Defeat 10 cats in a single run.
Summon 100 cats in a single run.
Defeat a boss using only one type of elemental cat.
Reach the final boss without losing any lives.
Deal over 100 damage in a single hit.
Successfully complete a run using a team of up to 2 cat
Complete a run without losing any health.
Upgrade a cat to its maximum potential.
Spend 300 mana in a single run.
Successfully summon a Tier 6 Legendary Cat.
Summon each type of elemental cat at least once in a single run.
Complete your first run.
Defeat 1000 cats across multiple runs.
Spend a total of 1000 mana across multiple runs.
Level up a Tier 6 Legendary Cat to its maximum potential.
Complete the main story
Beat the final boss only using one cat
Beat the final boss with 1 heart
Sacrifice 10 cats in a single run.
Win a battle without taking any damage.
Defeat an elite enemy using only tier 1 cats.
Defeat three enemies in a single run.
Complete a run without sacrificing any cats.
Win a battle with only one cat remaining.
Defeat a boss.