Kill 20 enemies with magic spells.
Use the Mark Target Ability on 10 enemies.
Use drones to kill 15 enemies.
Hit four or more enemies with an area of effect attack.
Kill 5 enemies with grenades.
Hit three or more enemies with a bouncing magic spell.
Throw back three grenades with the Shiawase Loader Arm.
Kill 10 Enemies with Cyber-Weapons.
Zip-tie 3 enemies with Duncan’s Subdue ability.
Skip 10 reloads with the Auto-Loader Cyber-Arm.
Stun 5 enemies with the Shock Glove or Shock Hand.
Killed the HKPF patrol to save the civilians
Lay low with the Loho-Jowah pirates on the Benteng.
Steal a sample of the SARS III
Play Ratparty.sim
Help Kindly relocate the Yellow Lotus to the Redmond Barrens.
Kill 15 enemies using an assault rifle.
Don't side with Fuchi or Yamatetsu at the end of "DETENTION"
Blow up a police vehicle in the motor pool
Gain control of a Spider Tank
Talk Krait into standing down.
Regain your SIN and return to Seattle.
Leave Qiu to die.
Regain your SIN and return to Raymond in Seattle.
Gain access to the Police Station roof
Blow up all the police vehicles in the motor pool
Listen to all developer commentary
Use 5 "combat stims".
Complete Shadows of Hong Kong after taking Qian Ya's deal in the main campaign
Use Spray & Pray to hit more than two enemies with an SMG.
Have every cyberware slot filled by an enhancement.
Collect all Trophies