Unlock Doggu
Unlock Domba
Reach level 10 on a character
Reach level 5 on a character
Reach max level on a character
Unlock Obek
Unlock Welu
Have 100,000 foods
Spend 500,000 foods
Play co-op
Play co-op with 4 Players
Throw 100 bombs
Ride 100 mounts
Drink 100 potions
Get into the city
Push the payload
Survive The Pit
Break into the castle
Skate off the avalanche
Ride the Skywhale
Complete the story mode
Recruit 50 companions
Break 500 chests or barrels
Die 100 times
Hit 10 innocent bystanders
Roll 1,000 times
Defeat 1,000 enemies
Unlock 50 weapons
Unlock 20 legendary weapons
Defeat Big Bad Pug
Defeat Grillz
Recruit 5 companions
Throw 5 bombs
Drink 5 potions
Ride 5 mounts
Die 10 times
Roll 50 times
Break 10 chests or barrels
Defeat Baby God
Defeat Aegel
Defeat Worm
Defeat The Dark Knights
Defeat Warden
Defeat King Bunnylord III
Get all other trophies