Find an Ethereal Butterfly.
Find 15 Ethereal Butterflies.
Find all Ethereal Butterflies.
Finish any Hidden Object Puzzle in less than 1 minute.
Finish 6 Hidden Object Puzzles in a row without using hints.
Finish all Hidden Object Puzzles without using hints.
Finish any Hidden Object Puzzle with less than 4 mis-clicks
Find 3 hidden-objects within 3 seconds.
Find an Illusive Object.
Find 15 Illusive Objects.
Find all Illusive Objects.
Finish any Mini-Game in less than 1 minute.
Finish 4 Mini-Games in a row without skipping.
Finish all Mini-Games without skipping.
Perform your first Evidence Deduction.
Establish the suspect of your investigation.
Perform all Evidence Deductions.
Collect all the Evidence.
Perform 3 Evidence Deductions without a wrong move.
Finish a game of Pair-Matching in less than 3 minutes.
Finish half of all Pair-Matching games.
Finish all Pair-Matching games.
Find a mysterious helping hand.
Find the way back to the surface.
Activate the cable car.
Find the way back to the park grounds.
Build a stable river crossing.
Treat your ally's wounds.
Gain access to the inner manor grounds.
Help recover a long-lost mind.
Free yourself from captivity.
Complete the relief and open the cell.
Deal with the beast. Permanently.
Complete the game.
Play through the first hour of the game without skipping any cutscenes.
Unlocked all the other Achievements.
You finished all Pair-Matching games.
You finished half of all Pair-Matching games.
You finished a game of Pair-Matching in less than 3 minutes.
You completed the bonus chapter.
You completed the game on expert difficulty.
You finished all Mini-Games without skipping.
You found all Ethereal Butterflies.
You performed all evidence Deductions.
You collected all the Evidence.
You finished all Hidden Object Puzzles without using hints.
You found all Illusive Objects.
You found 15 Ethereal Butterflies.
You finished 6 Hidden Object Puzzles in a row without using hints.
You performed 3 evidence Deductions without a wrong move.
You found 15 Illusive Objects.
You established the suspect of your investigation.
You finished 4 Mini-Games in a row without skipping.
You finished any Hidden Object Puzzle with less than 4 mistakes.
You finished any Hidden Object Puzzle in less than 1 minute.
You found 3 hidden-objects within 3 seconds.
You performed your first evidence Deduction.
You finished any Mini-Game in less than 1 minute.
You found an Ethereal Butterfly.
You found an Illusive Object.
Unlock every Trophy.
Complete the game on expert difficulty
Complete the bonus adventure.
Perform your first evidence Deduction.
Perform all evidence Deductions.
Perform 3 evidence Deductions without a wrong move.
Finish any Hidden Object Puzzle with less than 4 mistakes.