Achieve a three star rating for all Laboratories in any zone
Complete all Basement Laboratories
Claim your first 101 kills
Flatten 50 Splatts with a Boulder
Claim your first 50 victims
Discover 10 WTDs
Spill 1000 litres of blood
Complete a Basement Laboratory
Achieve a X4 combo
Complete all Graduate and Master Objectives in a laboratory
Achieve your first three star rating
Complete the Training Laboratories
Discover your first WTD
Kill your first Splatt
Perform your first combo
Claim your first 1000 kills
Complete all Control Room Laboratories
Complete all Bio Zone Laboratories
Complete all Sector Zero Laboratories
Complete all Laboratories
Discover 50 WTDs
Discover All 101 WTDs
Earn three stars in all Laboratories in every zone
Amass 100 Stars
Kill 50 Splatts with the Cannon
100 Splatts impaled on Spikes
50 Splatts killed in a Lava Pit
Kill a Tank, Alpha and Rapid within one second
Kill a Splatt whilst it's stunned
10 Cakes completely consumed
Unlock all other Trophies
Discover all 101 WTDs
Achieve a x4 combo
Complete all Graduate and Master Objectives in a Laboratory
Achieve a three star rating for all Laboratories in every zone