A veteran FromSoftware composer, Yuka Kitamura has announced via Twitter that she will be leaving FromSoftware to continue working as a freelancer.

Kitamura was a part of FromSoftware for more than a decade, first showing up in the credits as Sound Designer for 2013’s Armored Core V. Her first credit was for 2014’s Dark Souls II but she would later compose iconic scores for Dark Souls III, Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring as well.

Kitamura didn’t say if she would continue cooperating with FromSoftware as a contractor but he did say: “I would like to continue to express myself in-game music through various genres of music. I hope you will look forward to my music in the future!”

At the moment, we don’t know if she will work on the soundtrack for the upcoming Armored Core 6 or Elden Ring: Shadow of the Endtree DLC. The studio came up with a new portfolio website that shows their previous credits and nothing is mentioned, but that is (obviously) subject to change.

We wish Mr. Kitamura the best of luck in her future endeavors.