The actor well-known for his role in Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding, Norman Reedus has technically confirmed that a game sequel is currently in development.
In an interview given to Leo, Reedus who played Sam Porter Bridges said this crucial line – “We just started the second one.”
He then went into more detail, explaining the hard work that the role entailed:
“It took me maybe two or three years to finish all the MoCap sessions and everything. It takes a lot of work. And then the game came out, and it just won all these awards, and it was a huge thing, so we just started part two of that.”
I don’t know about you, but to me, this is a clear confirmation that a sequel is on its own. Kojima Productions are yet to give their comment on this, but we’re all waiting for it at this point, and we’re (rightfully) hopeful.
Meanwhile, you can replay the original Death Stranding. You don’t have to, it’s just random advice. And if you haven’t played the game so far, you can pick it up now on PS4, PS5, and PC.