World War Z is now free on Epic Games Store
An ideal moment to try the game if you haven't done that already.
If you wanted to get World War Z but never got the chance to do so, the good news is, you can do that right now as the game currently free on Epic Games Store.
From my perspective, World War Z is one of the best co-op games that came out in recent years and it has some really strong Left 4 Dead vibes (yet another game that I adore). The game got nice reviews overall and it's popular in the gaming community, so yeah, you should really grab it while you can.
Along with World War Z, you can also claim your free copies of Figment and Tormentor X Punisher. These two games are also worth grabbing, that's for sure. You can get all three of these for free until April 2. The next week's free offers are Hob and Gone Home so make sure you check back on time to get those as well.