Each week in Destiny 2 is exciting as hell and many people eagerly await the weekly reset in order to experience all the changes that the developers cooked up in the meantime. Tomorrow's reset will mark the return of the PvP madness called Iron Banner. Excited? Well, you should be!
Now, you should have in mind that this isn't the old traditional Iron Banner that you used to know previously. Instead of that, this iteration of the ever-exciting Crucible mode will introduce the 6v6 epic deathmatches for the first time. 4v4 modes were fun as hell, that's for sure but not everyone liked them. With more competing players on both sides, things should, hopefully, become much more exciting.
You are probably aware of the fact that Bungie already planned to (re)release the Iron Banner feature during the last reset but, it was finally set for this week. The reason for the delay was the last-minute bug that was reported during the testing sessions. We hope that this inconvenience is ironed out and we are now ready to have fun!
Destiny 2's second expansion will be coming out on May 8 while Season 4 will be officially open in September. Exciting days are ahead of us, that's for sure!