Assassin's Creed website relaunches
As we inch closer to Unity, Ubisoft have revamped their website for the series.
If you were buried under a rock around E3, or just don't really follow the show, Ubisoft showed off some rather nifty demos for the new Assassin's Creed game, Assassin's Creed: Unity. For the first time, in a long time, the franchise is going back to basics and taking a step into the new-gen with this version.
It's a chance to completely revamp core mechanics, gameplay ideals, the core pillars and even more. Black Flag may have had naval combat, but Unity strips out all the previous gumph from the series and promises a new direction in terms of gameplay, stealth, navigation and more.
If you want to learn more, you can visit the revamped site here.
Assassin's Creed Unity: Single Player information
Unity, as the name might suggest is similar to unite, they both come from the same liguistic family and a family just like a brotherhood is an important part of this new Assassin experience. So adversarial multiplayer has gone and a heavy focus on cooperative gameplay has been introduced for the game.
It still has a big single player element, but now you'll be able to explore the city with friends, engage in cooperative missions that are well beyond the simplistic gameplay of Wolfpack and do more.
Assassin's Creed: Unity cooperative information
Want to also get your assassin in a TV ad for later this year, then go to: AC: Unity TV ad competition site
We can't wait for this new step for Assassin's Creed and the game should release on Oct 28th this year.
Join us then for some review coverage, vids and quite possibly some hectic cooperative fun!