Complete every chapter without being seen.
Complete chapter one without getting spotted.
Finish the game at any difficulty.
Finish the game on Shark.
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Successfully lock pick or unscrew five doors or grates without being spotted.
Lift the weights for at least 10 minutes (accumulated).
Punch the heavy bag for at least 10 minutes (accumulated).
Earn $5000.
Beat up more than 100 people on Shark.
Get tattoos for all six locations on your body.
Defeat 50 enemies in underground fights.
Successfully perform 50 reversal moves in fights.
Don't get knocked out in five consecutive fights.
Win a match flawlessly in underground fights on Shark.
Win a match flawlessly in underground fights.
Beat your first opponent in underground fights.
Win a fight using only reversal moves and finishing moves.
Win a fight without blocking.
Complete the lock picking tutorial.
First time climbing completed!
Complete the stealth tutorial.
Complete the fighting tutorial.