Earn 10,000 or more dancers lifetime
Get 100% on every song
Get 1,000,000 points or more on a single song
Play every song in the game at least once on any difficulty
Earn every snapshot in the game from YEARBOOK mode
Get 95% or better on "Back To Black", "Songbird", and "Valerie"
Get 95% or better on "I've Had The Time of My Life", and "Lucky"
Get 95% or better on "I Look To You", and "River Deep Mountain High"
Get 95% or better on "Never Going Back Again", and "PYT"
Get 95% or better on "Fat Bottomed Girls", and "Only The Good Die Young"
Get 95% or better on "I've Gotta Be Me", "Just The Way You Are", and "Losing My Religion"
Get 95% or better on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart", "Go Your Own Way", and "Last Christmas"
Sing a song with two players in Versus mode
Sing a song with two players in Duet mode
Sing a song with two players in Co-Op mode
Earn all snapshots from a single song in YEARBOOK mode
Get 100% on any song on any difficulty
Get a streak of 40 or better on a single song