Earn 150 stars in Battle Academy challenges.
Win a game after being down by 10 victory points.
Win a battle with less than 10% of your fleet value remaining in a multiplayer game.
Build a fleet of value 3000 by turn four.
Earn 30 stars in Battle Academy challenges.
Win 25 games.
Personalize your forces.
Win two battles in one turn.
Control all victory planets at the end of a turn.
Earn a victory point.
Colonize three planets in one turn.
Analyze a ship in a battle video.
Win a battle with 50% or less of the enemy's fleet value in a multiplayer game.
Bombard a planet that breaks an opponent's sector.
Destroy an enemy dreadnaught in a multiplayer game.
Win a battle in a multiplayer game.
Build a fleet with five or more dreadnaughts in a multiplayer game.
Design a new ship.
Research all technologies in one game.
Win a game.