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Beat Voodoo in Brawl for it All
Win a match without getting hurt against an opponent in a ranked match or the CPU
Stun an opponent 15 times and win in a ranked match or against the CPU
K.O. an opponent in a ranked match or the CPU in less than 1 minute
Upload a video
Win a match without blocking, parrying or dodging against an opponent in a ranked match or the CPU
Upload a Photo Game FaceT boxer
Create a Photo Game FaceT boxer
Win a fight with FaceBreaker against an opponent in a ranked match or the CPU
Beat Steve in Brawl for it All
Download a Photo Game FaceT boxer
Complete Brawl for it All without being knocked down on Truculent
Complete Brawl for it All with all of the characters
Complete Brawl for it All without losing
Win a ranked or VS CPU match while using a combination of 12 Sky or Groundbreakers
Win 50 ranked matches
Complete Brawl for it All on Impossible difficulty with any character
Complete Brawl for it All with a Photo Game FaceT boxer
Complete Brawl for it All
Win 25 ranked matches
Win 10 ranked matches
Beat Brick in Brawl for it All
Beat Tiki in Brawl for it All
Beat Socks in Brawl for it All
Win 1 ranked match with a Photo Game FaceT boxer
Win 1 ranked match