You reached Level 6 on all skills.
You killed an enemy with a vehicle-mounted turreted weapon while airborne and upside down.
You got every collectible Orb in Pacific City.
You collected every Renegade Driving Orb in Pacific City.
You completed every Road Race in Pacific City.
You listened to every available Audio Log.
You collected every Hidden Orb in Pacific City.
You collected every Agility Orb in Pacific City.
You collected every Renegade Agility Orb in Pacific City.
You killed 50 enemies with your thrusters in a single airborne flight.
You used a club and boosted to smash at least one enemy from up high.
You flew across Pacific City using the Wingsuit.
You soared to over 500 meters in a single flight using your thrusters and Wingsuit.
You set 20 people alight with your thrusters in a single airborne flight.
You completed every Rooftop Race in Pacific City.
You glided through every Wingsuit Stunt Ring in Pacific City.
You collected every Online Orb in Pacific City.
You reached level 5 on all skills.
You survived a massive drop into a toilet.
You closed every Freak Breach in Pacific City.
You completed one of every objective type in Pacific City.
You brought every Tactical Location in Pacific City under Agency Control.
You detonated the Agency Tower Beacon.
You launched a deadly Ground Strike from an airborne helicopter.
You smashed an Agency SUV into a flying chopper.
You leapt from one fast-moving vehicle to another.
You completed 3 Co-op keepy-ups.
You detonated every Beacon in Unity Heights.
You detonated every Beacon in Pacific City.
You killed 5 enemies with a single gas cylinder.
You activated every Absorption Unit in Pacific City.
You chained 20 hand-to-hand attacks without missing.
You caused 30 explosions in 60 seconds.
You killed 5 enemies with a single Ground Strike.
You used the minigun to kill 20 enemies in a 10-second period.
You harpooned 5 enemies to a vehicle.
You detonated every Beacon in Green Bay.
You killed 5 enemies with a single power slide.
You killed 25 Freaks with thrown objects.
You detonated every Beacon in Hope Springs.
You closed a Freak Breach.
You completed a Road or Rooftop Race.
You successfully detonated a Beacon.
You used a UV weapon to kill 20 Freaks in a 10-second period.
You collected a Hidden Orb.
You listened to an Audio Log.
You activated an Absorption Unit.
You caught a Renegade Orb.
You brought a Cell Stronghold back under Agency control.
You collected an Agility Orb.
You survived Agent Diagnostics.
You jumped a vehicle through every Vehicle Stunt Ring in Pacific City.
Your team of gliding Agents flew across Pacific City.
Succeed in killing yourself 25 unique ways.
You jumped four Agents on a Battle Bus through a Vehicle Stunt Ring.
You hung 5 enemies off the floor like a set of holiday lights.
You successfully completed 5 Tactical Locations with all Agents in the same Squad Chopper.
You killed 20 enemies in one minute using the Squad Chopper.
You won a Vehicle Tag Quick Match without ever having the Orb stolen from you.
You won a Vehicle Tag Quick Match without ever destroying your vehicle.
You survived the Deluge for 15 minutes in every arena.
You won a public match of Capture the Orb in every arena.
You destroyed 10,000 wave enemies in Deluge.
You completed all 50 waves of a Deluge arena.
You achieved 5x Combo, Blast, and Air in Deluge.
You killed 10 Freaks in 30 seconds by shoulder charging.
You scored 20,000 points in 1 minute in a Deluge arena.
You scored 1,000,000 points in a Deluge arena.
You killed 60 Freaks in 60 seconds using the blades on the helicopter.
You played Deluge with Project Sunburst enhancements or with someone who had this achievement.