Break three hundred Puzzle tiles.
Earn twenty stars in Puzzle matches.
Complete a Puzzle match by using all available breakers.
Earn ten stars in Puzzle matches.
Complete a Feud or Quick Feud! match without missing a round.
Be the first to place a breaker in each round of a Quick Feud! match.
Complete a multiplayer match without having one of the players left tileless.
Break more tiles belonging to you than to your opponents in a single turn.
Remove the last tile of an opponent player in a multiplayer match.
Earn a tile after breaking a Care Power Tile.
Break a Mystery Power Tile and gain a Large Bonus Power Tile
Be the last to place a breaker before the end of a match.
Finish in first place in a multiplayer match without owning any tile.
Earn at least a thousand points in a single movement of a puzzle.
Have three of your tiles protected, at the same time, in a multiplayer match.
Earn 150 points in the first round of a multiplayer match.
Change a power tile to your color then have it destroyed by an opponent the same turn.
Break four or more tiles owned by opponents, and none of yours, with one breaker.
Break three tiles belonging to the same opponent in a single turn.
Break a hundred Feud or Quick Feud! tiles.