Zoe was taken hostage by the Holts
Completed chapters 1-3 of As Dusk Falls
Completed Chapter 3
Vince convinced the Holts to take him as their hostage
Jay buried the stranger alive
Vince and Michelle saved their marriage
Told the Holts about Dante's pager
Completed Chapter 2
Warned Dale about the sniper on the water tower
Trusted Michelle about her relationship with Bruce
Successfully removed the bullet for Michelle
Escaped your bindings and called Dante for help
Alerted Big Sam without raising Tyler's suspicion
Vince failed to get the gun from Tyler
Completed Chapter 1
Vince managed to get the gun from Tyler
Big Sam killed by Tyler at the Desert Dream
Failed to execute the perfect burglary
Got the money without alerting Dante
Used the safe code to open Dante's safe
Michelle reached the hospital for treatment
Forgave Michelle for her affair with Bruce
Didn't forgive Michelle for her affair with Bruce
Kept the pager hidden from the Holts
Helped the stranger to rise from the grave
Completed Chapter 4
Vince survived the Desert Dream
Refuse to abandon your family at the cabin shootout
Stop Tyler falling from the tree
Jay surrendered to the cops
Jay killed the cop who tried to arrest him
Ash revealed the cabin's existence to Dante
Ash didn't reveal the cabin's existence to Dante
Completed Chapter 5
Won the trucker's darts challenge
Refused to confess to Bradley
Jay and Vanessa fell in love
Jay and Vanessa went their separate ways at the campground
Vanessa decides to go to Canada with Jay
Paul escaped to Cuba with Sharon
Sharon was captured by Dante
Completed Chapter 6
Zoe shared a meal with Jay
Zoe reported Jay's wherabouts to the authorities
Jay's execution was called off at the last second
Zoe didn't stay to witness Jay's execution
Escaped the FBI and made it to Canada
Forest ranger let Jay escape to Canada
Got arrested at the border
Completed chapters 4-6 of As Dusk Falls