You managed to perform 25 kills. Great result, if you weren't the target.
Scored 5 own goals in Soccer. Whoopsie!
Played 10 rounds of Hyperdrive Massacre. Getting better by the round!
Every player keep a ridiculously low speed for the round. In a calm sea, every man is a pilot.
Won a match without being killed once.
In your face! Performed 20 kills by deflecting a bullet.
Killed yourself 10 times. Try to point your gun the other way.
Killed yourself 5 times.
Played one round of Hyperdrive Massacre. It's something.
Traveled a cumulative 3000km while fragging eachother in deep space.
Played 500 rounds of Hyperdrive Massacre. You should be really good at it by now!
Scored 8000 points in Death Race. This is Bat Country!
Scored 500 goals in Soccer. Nice skills there, you!
Scored 500 points in Spong.
Performed 100 kills by deflecting a bullet. Form is temporary, class is permanent.
Scored 2000 points in Death Race. Pedal to the metal!
Every player keep a ridiculously high average speed for the round. Outrun 'em bullets!
Played ten hours of Hyperdrive Massacre. You can now brag about your eye-to-hand coordination.
Traveled a cumulative 500km. In space. On cadillacs.
Alone and with friends, played 100 great rounds of Hyperdrive Massacre.
Played four hours of Hyperdrive Massacre. Hopefully with frequent breaks.
Scored 100 goals in Soccer. Keep training, champ!
Played two hours of Hyperdrive Massacre. That's a good, solid play session.
Play 50 rounds of Hyperdrive Massacre. Getting serious, are we.
Scored 100 points in Spong.
Scored 50 goals in Soccer. And in the correct goal!
Played one hour of Hyperdrive Massacre. You can take a break now.
Scored 30 own goals. You do know how soccer works, right?
Scored 50 points in Spong.
Scored 500 points in Death Race. Go Speed, Go!
You managed to kill yourself 50 times. Well, at least you shoot a lot.
Scored 1,000,000 points in Deathmatch. Let off some steam!
Scored 10,000,000 points in Deathmatch. Hasta la vista, baby.
Scored a whoppin' 50,000,000 points in Deathmatch. Just... wow.