Got a knife using Chang Li in Iron Commando
Got the bat using Chang Li in Iron Commando
Got a pistol using Soldier Jack in Iron Commando
Got a machinegun using Soldier Jack in Iron Commando
Got a shotgun using Soldier Jack in Iron Commando
Killed Huaco's brother in Iron Commando
Killed SGT Gunner in Iron Commando
Destroyed the chopper in Iron Commando
Killed Mutant Couba in Iron Commando
Finished Iron Commando using Soldier Jack
Finished Iron Commando using Chang Li
Defeated the Bridge guardian in Legend
Defeated the Evil Tree in Legend
Defeated the Evil Wizard in Legend
Defeated the Red Dragon in Legend
Defeated the Cave Monster in Legend
Defeated Clovis in Legend
Got 10.000 score points in Legend
Got 20.000 score points in Legend
Got 30.000 score points in Legend
Got 100.000 score points in Iron Commando
Got 200.000 score points in Iron Commando
Got 300.000 score points in Iron Commando
Killed Big Tom in Iron Commando