Achieve 100% Completion.
Maim 300 Mousers.
Finish 300 Footbots.
Find Mikey's lost comic book.
Find every Smoke Bomb upgrade.
Find every Shuriken upgrade.
Find every Health upgrade.
Quell 300 Kraang Droids.
Find every Chi upgrade.
Fully upgrade Leo's Shell Kickers.
Fully upgrade Donnie's Shell Kickers.
Fully upgrade Mikey's Shell Kickers.
Take Casey's advice to upgrade a Shell Kicker.
Fully upgrade Raph's Shell Kickers.
Mangle 100 Mousers.
Fell 100 Footbots.
Perform 100 Shell Kickers successfully.
Finish the game in under 4:00.
Finish the game in under 2:30.
Finish the game in under 1:00.
Finish the game without upgrading any Shell Kickers.
Give Shred-head something to think about.
Neutralize the Newtralizer
Watch every bonus conversation.
Perform 50 Shell Kickers successfully.
Teleport into Dimension X.
Trounce Tiger Claw
Sneak into the Warehouse district.
Find a Chi upgrade.
Swat Baxter Stockman.
Find a Smoke Bomb upgrade.
Find a way inside the TCRI Building.
Watch a bonus conversation.
Beat Rahzar without taking damage.
Find a Health upgrade.
Find a Shuriken upgrade.
Seek out wisdom from Splinter.
Return to the Lair and undergo training.
Knock down 100 Kraang Droids.
Rescue a captured turtle.