Defeat 10 Wolves
Escape your first encounter with Xiao Dan
Find 100 Iron
Defeat 8 Komodos
Win your first Arena gold medal
Earn 2/3 of the medals at Shantou Palace
Defeat 40 Wolves
Defeat 80 Wolves
Defeat 3 Gorillas
Defeat 12 Gorillas
Defeat 24 Gorillas
Defeat 32 Komodos
Defeat 64 Komodos
Defeat the Wolf Leader Once
Defeat the Wolf Leader 3 Times
Defeat the Gorilla Leader Once
Defeat the Gorilla Leader 2 Times
Defeat Xiao Dan in Combat
Find 300 Iron
Find 600 Iron
Find 100 Steel
Find 300 Steel
Find 600 Steel
Find 100 Gold
Find 300 Gold
Find 600 Gold
Earn 1/4 of the medals in Gongmen City
Earn 2/3 of the medals in Gongmen City
Earn 1/4 of the medals in the Bamboo Forest
Earn 2/3 of the medals in the Bamboo Forest
Earn 1/4 of the medals in the Guji Desert
Earn 2/3 of the medals in the Guji Desert
Earn 2/5 of the medals overall
Earn ALL of the medals. ALL of them.
Win 8 Combat challenges
Max out two Arenas
Win your first Target gold medal
Win 4 Target challenges
Max out two Target challenges
Win your first Rickshaw gold medal
Win 8 Rickshaw challenges
Max out two Rickshaw challenges
Win your first Noodle gold medal
Win 8 Noodle challenges
Max out two Noodle challenges
Complete all Practice Sessions
Earn 1/4 of the medals at Shantou Palace