Get your animal to catch a disc 15 times.
Get the animal to catch a disc with a high jumping catch.
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Complete the pirate map in your own game.
Climb to the top of a tree for the first time.
Discover Fort Topaz in your own game.
Perform the ultimate jump.
Visit the Celestial Glacier for the first time in your own game.
Visit Suri Mountain for the first time in your own game.
Hit three moving targets in a disk challenge.
Have your animal play with a toy in the home for the first time.
Visit Cherry Blossom Grove for the first time in your own game.
Complete an agility course without missing any obstacles.
Pet your animal for the first time.
Visit the La Selva for the first time in your own game.
Use aftertouch on a disc 25 times.
Place your first collar on your animal.
Get your animal to catch a disc for the first time.
Visit the Fiddler's Beach for the first time in your own game.
Pass an Obedience Trial without a single penalty.
Use the Plunderscope to discover your first hidden secret.
Meet the first animal that is unlocked in your own game.
Clean and feed your animal for the first time.
Customize your home interior for the first time.
Collect all items in an RC Car contest and earn gold in your own game.
Win a gold medal in a contest without a retry in your own game.
Enter your first contest.
Play with a toy that your animal has brought you.
Choose your first animal in your own game.
Win a gold medal in another person's game.
Complete the snowball volley contest without missing a single snowball.
Get the highest score of your friends in a contest session.
Get a gold medal in every contest in your own game.
Buy a piece of furniture from the Shop in another person's game.
Perform all the tricks.
Own all the toys in every category in your own game.
Play every contest.
Get 3 rings in a row on a pole in a hoop-la contest.
Decorate your home with a single theme in all positions in your own game.
Decorate your home using all the themes at the same time.
Swap with another player while in freeplay.
Play a contest with somebody else.
Another player visits your home in your game.
Play a contest with four or more people.
Buy a collar or pendant from the Shop in another person's game.
Catch one of each fish.
Complete the juggling contest in Suva Cave without dropping a ball.
Achieve at least a bronze medallion for every contest on Mira in your own game.
Discover every part of the map on both Lemuria and Mira in your own game.
Discover Kokopo Cave in your own game.
Achieve gold in all Mira contests in your own game.