Win a multiplayer challenge.
Twist your body while in the air and perform at least 3 air tricks.
Crash hard into another player.
Get your score registered in the world rankings.
Raise your back leg while in the air and perform a back grab.
Change from the stopping position to accelerating position on the word "GO!".
Complete all the Jib Trick Trials.
Perform an air trick with 2 consecutive horizontal revolutions and land.
Complete all the Air Trick Trials.
Complete all the Fly Distance Trials.
Spread your arms wide to the left and right while in the air.
Raise your front leg while in the air and perform a front grab.
Jump while you are boarding.
Perform an air trick and stick the landing.
Complete all the Riding Trials.
Stomp your front foot when you have an item.
Finish a "Free Race" race with Rank A.
Finish a "Downhill Slalom" race with Rank A.
Finish a "Balloon Buster" race with Rank A.
Finish a "Fly Distance" race with Rank A.
Finish a "Trick Score" race with Rank A.
Finish a race in 1st place without crashing.
Get a star in a race while performing an air trick.
Get big air in a race.
Perform a switch riding while jibbing.
Finish a race in 1st and 2nd place with a friend.
Perform an air trick with 2 consecutive vertical revolutions and land.
Make a clean landing with your boost at max.