Defeat the Cave Dragon Boss without missing a single shot from the cannons.
Defeat the Cook Boss on Normal difficulty.
Get 50% of all keys.
Deal with the cannon in the «Riptor's Rage» level.
Die in cold water in the «Riptor's Rage» level.
Defeat Boss Sally within 5 minutes.
Destroy all the slugs that attacked in the pit in the «Toady Troubles» level.
Die to the first enemy in the game.
Survive by jumping from a mount over an abyss.
Complete a level without collecting a single firefly.
Wake up the same pillar 5 times in the «Tricky Caves» level.
Complete a level without killing a single enemy.
Defeat the Drill Boss without falling off the cart once.
Escape the Dragon in the «Dragon Chase» level.
Die on a level 50 times.
Die on a level 30 times.
Die on a level 10 times.
Defeat Beaver Boss.
Complete a level as Luna.
Kill a row of 3 or more cobrings using items.
Get the first key.
Find all the pinatas in the game.
Defeat Boss Robo Kong without picking up a heal.
Beat the final boss without taking damage.
Complete the game with 0 deaths.
Complete the game to 100%.
Collect all the keys.
Collect 29 diamonds.
Collect 15,000 fireflies and don't spend them.