You have successfuly defeated the first boss at the end of Stage One!
Achive a Rampage x10
You haven't been touched for one entire level.
You have destroyed 10 enemies using mines!
You have ridden 1000 Km over the abyss or lava.
You have reached 100000 points
You have destroyed 25 enemies using mines.
You haven't been touched for two entire levels.
You have reached 175000 points.
You have destroyed 50 enemies using mines!
You have successfuly defeated the first boss at the end of Stage Two!
You haven't been touched for three entire levels.
You have found all relics of the game.
You have finished the game in less than 90 minutes!
You have finished the game from the beginning!
You have finished the game in less than 60 minutes!
You have reached 250000 points
You have finished the game using only the blue shot.
You have destroyed all enemies in a single game
You have finished the game using only the red shot
You have found all the relics in a single game
You have successfuly defeated the boss at the end of Stage Three!
You have finished the game without using missiles!
You have finished the game in less than 30 minutes!
You have finished the game using only one life!
You have found all the Hidden Treasures of the game!
You have successfuly defeated the boss at the end of Stage Four!
You have successfuly defeated the boss at the end of Stage Five!
You have successfuly defeated the boss at the end of Stage Six!
You have successfuly defeated the boss at the end of Stage Seven!
You have successfuly defeated the boss at the end of Stage Eight!
You have successfuly defeated the final boss at the end of Stage Nine!