Completed "An Invitation"
Steal Lanuit's trinket from his store
Visit a Outhouse
Use the same investigator for every scenario of the game.
Find the recipe in every scenario
Kill 3 opponents in a single investigator's turn
Use a radithor on an investigator without any conditions
Use a Bromo Coffee when your action points are full
Commit suicide by smoking a cigarette
Heal enemy with a Wild Cast
Kill the Dark Young with a Birthling explosion
Completed "Finding Meaning in the Stars"
Have 75 items in your office chest at one time
Completed "What Was Lost is Never Found"
Completed "Herd of Algedi"
Completed "The Peculiar Monsieur Lanuit"
Completed "Unwelcomed Guests"
Completed "Tendrils of Witchcraft"
Completed "A Morbid Dance in the Second Line"
Save Arkham from the Dark Young