Until now, you’ve been using the help system quite often. You’re a casual-gamer for sure!
Three times you doused the root lizard with water. No wonder he's mad at you!
You fixed the ticket machine, and thanks to the negative cashflow-wiring you even have to pay for it
Bravo! You're a reliable person! Screwdriver, syringe, stapler - you bring back what you borrow.
You ended the Conroyalist's reign of terror. Now all of Aposia knows the truth about Emil…
You didn’t use the help system! Congratulations, you can consider yourself an Adventure expert!
You filled the sneezing powder from its bag into the balloon. And back again. Wow.
You got Uncle Oboe's adventure story right at the first time! But where's the fun in that?
You completed the fifth chapter! Now you know the secret of the last wind monk!
You solved the Monolith puzzle! Let's hope all that flute music didn't cause permanent damage to you
You sent a small raft sailing across the swamp. How nice. But now back to saving the world!
You completed the fourth chapter! You repaired a Basylian and blasted open the gate to the mountains
You sabotaged Mama Dola's ritual with a chili. Bravo! What a fine explosion, indeed!
You restored the Bingo Pony's confidence to face life again!
You completed the third chapter! You complied with all the traveling regulations..
You disobeyed the system by removing the travel poster in Asposia Central. Congratulations!
You showed your fondness of animals by feeding some sawdust to the drill rats.
Hello, anybody home? Uncle Oboe's crazy game of Knock-Knock was no match for your brilliant mind.
You flushed a peach straight in front of the key guard's feet, kicking it right back into your cell.
You tried giving the peas to Libretta, so she could use them for painting..
You completed the second chapter! You knocked out Emil and escaped from the prison.
Who cares about the cable car model of some weird shopkeeper? You certainly don't!
Failures won't stop you from trying again - good for you! But now try something else please.
You completed the first chapter! Thanks to Libretta you managed to escape from the Conroyalists.
You talked to every possible character in Asposia at least once. And there’s quite a lot of ‘em!