Find your way to PEI, Washington, Russia, Yukon, Hawaii, Germany.
Consume hallucinogenic item.
Unlock all Unturned achievements.
Find 100 items.
Die 100 times.
Catch 50 fish.
Craft 100 items.
Grow 100 plants.
Hit 100 headshots.
Hit 1.000 headshots.
Travel 50.000m on foot.
Travel 100.000m by any vehicle.
Build 250 objects.
Kill 100 normal zombies.
Solve the Soulcrystal Puzzle.
Get a reputation of -200.
Get a reputation of 200.
Finish a quest.
Rise to Lieutenant rank in the Coalition.
Rise to Major rank in the Coalition.
Fully learn a skill.
Collect 1.000 items.
Kill 1.000 zombies.
Kill 100 animals.
Kill 1.000 normal zombies.
Collect 1.000 resources.
Kill 1.000 players.
Fully learn every skill.
Harvest 100 resources.
Solve the secrets of Neuschwanstein puzzle
Kill one Mega Zombie.
Kill 10 Mega Zombies.
Kill 10 players.
Kill 100 players.
Fail to contain the virus.