Beat the game.
Nothing left to hide.
Throw the ring onto Scarlet's finger from a distance.
Visit with several of your crewmen while dressed as the captain.
Rescue five of your brethren from an awful fate.
Complete the World of Kelp globe game in less than 30 seconds.
Wear the sea otter head.
Manage to rescue more than 15 kelp in the World of Kelp otter game.
In the jungle, you survive by any means necessary. Even cheating.
Come on and slam and welcome to the Amazon.
Sneak to the cafeteria without the use of a disguise.
Go the extra mile in ruining the break room (and Joe's reputation).
They were just lined up so perfectly...
Make the rounds as the aquarium's resident socialite shark.
Sneak past the biologist in the men's room before creating a diversion in the break room.
Complete the Deep Sea dance challenge without missing a step.
Reveal the pride of the aquarium's jellyfish collection.
Climb the escalators in less than 30 seconds.
We have rules for a reason.
Scarlet plugs all of the cafeteria fountain spouts without your help.
Beat the game without losing.
Get married with the best man on the altar.
Collect all ties in the game.
Get sucked into the riding mower.
Orange no-thumbs are the new green thumbs.
Only you can prevent kitchen fires.
Get the Sports Johnson cereal before the lady puts it in her cart.
You're the Earl of Lemondad.
Help all of the shoppers fill their carts.