[Tactics] Cleared Basics section.
[Episode] Cleared Episode: UNI.
[Episode] Cleared Episode: RWBY.
[VS] Won on normal difficulty.
[Survival] Won more than 5 times.
[Gallery] Opened an Event CG from Episode Mode.
[Gallery] Played the credits.
[Entrance] Used 100,000P$ at the Item Shop.
[Customize] Changed Plate, Icon, and Title all at once.
[Customize] Changed avatars.
[Network] Won in a ranked lobby.
[Tactics] Cleared Applied section.
[Network] Reached a Silver Rank.
[Network] Won in a Room Match.
[Network] Used a stamp in Online Lobby.
[Network] Used a motion in Online Lobby.
[Network] Won in an Online Lobby match.
[Network] Used auto-fill message in Online Lobby.
[Network] Saw a player's info in Online Lobby.
Generated Reject Guard 10 times.(Only during matches)
Performed an air dash 10 times.(Only during matches)
Used Distortion Skill.(Only during matches)
[Tactics] Completed all of one character.
Dealt more than 10000 in combo damage.(Only during matches)
Performed Distortion Finish 10 times.(Only during matches)
Performed Cross Finish 10 times.(Only during matches)
Performed Resonance Finish 10 times.(Only during matches)
Used a Reversal Action 10 times.(Only during matches)
Used Crush Assault 10 times.(Only during matches)
Performed a Marvelous in Crush Assault 10 times.(Only during matches)
Successfully throw break 10 times.(Only during matches)
Performed Cross Combo 10 times.(Only during matches)
Used Resonance Blaze 10 times.(Only during matches)
[Tactics] Cleared one mission.
Guarded a high attack 10 times.(Only during matches)
Guarded a low attack 10 times.(Only during matches)
[Training] Used the command record, playback function.
[Traning] Opened the command list.
[Episode] Cleared Episode: BB.
[Episode] Saw the Cooperative Ending of Episode: BB.
[Episode] Cleared Episode: P4A.