Punch 1000 coins out of other dads.
Participate in 100 games of Smash 'N Grab.
Participate in 100 games of Diaper Sniper.
Participate in 100 games of Corporate Ladder.
Climb 5000 floors in Corporate Ladder.
Climb 1000 floors in Corporate Ladder.
Climb 500 floors in Corporate Ladder.
Hit 3 other dads with a single punch.
Raise your totem to the top in Totem Toppers.
Win a Diaper Sniper round by eliminating 3 other dads yourself.
Eliminate yourself within 2 seconds of the start of a Diaper Sniper round.
Eliminate another dad within 2 seconds of the start of a Diaper Sniper round.
Punch a Diaper Brick out of mid-air.
Eliminate yourself in Diaper Sniper.
Finish a Corporate Ladder game without picking up any coins.
Capture a fat baby.
Hit a dad with your own fat baby.
Capture a baby within 2 seconds of spawning.
Capture a baby from three different teams in a single round.
Win a game of Smash 'N Grab without ever letting go of your baby.
Lock the doors and deny the capture of your baby on a dad just steps from his door.
Deny the capture of your baby on a dad just steps from his door.
Win 10 times in Sudden Dad Overtime.
Hit 100 other dads by throwing your own baby.
Hit a dad with his own skull.
Hit a dad with his own baby.