Collected over 2,000,000 in credits in your account
Achieved player level 40
Scored an "A" rank during a mission in Classic mode
Completed all story missions on Classic difficulty
Earned a mission medal playing on any difficulty
Defeated bosses 10 times in "S" rank.
Multiplayer: Scored "S" rank 3 times
Multiplayer: Completed all multiplayer missions on any difficulty
Completed all story missions on Casual or Classic difficulty
Used 25 regenerators to revive your dragon during missions
Completed all missions for Forest, Ancient Ruins, and Lava Lake on any difficulty
Used 100 ampoules
Killed 10000 enemy creatures
Achieved player level 20
Multiplayer: Completed 5 multiplayer missions
Multiplayer: Completed 1 multiplayer mission
Defeated 3 enemy bosses
Evolved your first dragon
Completed all missions for Coral Lake East, Coral Lake West and Underground Lake on any difficulty
Purchased 3 dragons from the shop
Achieved player level 10
Used 10 Ampoules
Collected 500 beacons
Killed 200 enemies using only your dragon's secondary skill
Killed 2000 enemy creatures
Unlocked a new skill by feeding your dragon
Collected 18 different Antibodies from creatures on Draco
Achieved player level 5
Used 1 Ampoule during a mission
Purchased 1 Item Pack using credits or Jewels
Fired 3000 tracking missiles
Looted 1 rare item and 25 common items
Killed 500 enemy creatures
Used a Regenerator to revive your dragon during a mission
Killed 200 enemies using only your dragon's main skill
Scored "C" rank or higher on a mission in any difficulty mode
Started your first mission with Icarus Division
Killed 50 enemy creatures
Performed a barrel roll by leaning left or right
Achieved player level 50
Activated your wingman dragon communicator and issued a voice command
Used voice commands to navigate to the Shop, Inventory, and Dragon Roost
Acquired all medals for every story mission in the game
Multiplayer: Cleared mission 25 times.
Multiplayer: Defeated the White Phantom 3 times