Unlock every other trophy
Survive 365 days
Survive through 30 Catastrophes on a single playthrough
Have 15 types of Decorations
Reach a population of 300 and have Houses or Two-story Houses for 300 colonists
Have 5 Game Arcades
Use Photo Mode
Have 30 Energy producers
Complete 20 Quests
Have a Bakery and 5 types of Entertainment buildings
Have 4 types of insects at the Insect Farms simultaneously
Have 3 types of Automated Extractors
Have a maximum positive reputation with 5 Societies
Earn 5000 Reputation
Store 100 Clothes and 100 Tools simultaneously
Kill a Sandworm
Have 100 educated colonists simultaneously
Grow 8 types of Crops simultaneously
Have 4 types of animals at Ranches simultaneously
Build a Sauna
Have 50 educated colonists simultaneously
Trade 30,000 Silver worth of goods to Societies
Reach a population of 100
Survive through 15 Catastrophes on a single playthrough
Earn 2000 Reputation
Have 10 types of upgraded buildings
Unlock 80 Technologies on a single playthrough
Earn 500 Reputation
Trade 10,000 Silver worth of goods to Societies
Have Outposts in 5 different biomes
Trade 1,000 Silver worth of goods to Societies
Survive 100 days
Have 10 Outposts
A corpse decays without being buried
Complete 5 Quests
Catch a fish with a Fishing Hut during a Winter Storm
Survive through 5 Catastrophes on a single playthrough
Scavenge 50 World Map locations
Remove the first Pollution Deposit
Survive 50 days
Produce Energy
Reach a population of 50
Defeat 10 Bandit camps
Heal 100 colonists
Reveal 15 sectors
Reveal 10 sectors
Heal 50 colonists
A Specialist returns to the Colony with 4 types of Resources
Complete 1 Quest
Discover a Society
Unlock 10 Technologies on a single playthrough
Heal 10 colonists
Reveal 1 sector
Reach a population of 20
Get your first colonists