Kill two targets with a single attack using a melee weapon.
Summon 5 spirits from places in the environment.
Max out a skill.
Equip a Fairlight Excalibur.
Kill 30 enemies with magic spells.
Hit four or more enemies with an area of effect attack.
Use drones to kill 15 enemies.
Equip a class S drone!
Escape the Universal Brotherhood with all your team members.
Use the Mark Target Ability on 10 enemies.
Kill a target using Counterstrike.
Infiltrate the Inner Sanctum.
Kill 20 enemies with magic spells.
Kill two targets with a single Unarmed attack.
Kill 5 enemies with grenades.
Kill a target while being 10 tiles away with a shotgun.
Use the rifle headshot skill to kill a target who is at full health.
Kill 15 enemies using an assault rifle.
Kill 3 targets with a single chainshot.
First time jacking into the Matrix.
Kill an enemy with damage over time.
You saved Gino.
Choose a totem spirit.
Made a deal with Officer Aguirre to get information about the Ripper.
Paco joined your party.
Succesfully reset password on Coyote's computer.
Successfully attack an enemy with a chance of less than 30% to hit.
Collect all Trophies.
Kill 15 enemies with grenades.
Kill an enemy with a magic spell while standing on a ley-line.
Cast the Hellstorm Barrier spell.
Heal more than 30 damage in a single cast of Heal Wound.
Retrieved the Aegis Sample from Silverstar's Office.
Return Lucy's necklace to Frank.
Let the bugs eat Jessica Watts.
Shoot Jessica Watts before the bugs eat her.
Take Jessica Watts with you to face justice.
Use 5 "combat stims".
Use Spray & Pray to hit more than two enemies with an SMG.
Have every cyberware slot filled by an enhancement.
Die on the first mission.