Gather all trophies
Complete 100% of the worlds.
Buy all items from the Ghost's shops in all worlds.
Find all treasure chests in the Caribbean world.
Find all treasure chests in the Desert world.
Find all treasure chests in the City world.
Find all treasure chests in the Medieval world.
Find all treasure chests in the Jungle world.
Smash all destroyables.
Collect all hermit crabs.
Collect all blue birds.
Collect all chameleons.
Collect all rabbits.
Collect all ladybugs.
Collect the Happiness Crystal from the Caribbean world.
Collect the Happiness Crystal from the City world.
Collect the Happiness Crystal from the Medieval world.
Collect the Happiness Crystal from the Desert world.
Collect the Happiness Crystal from the Jungle world.
Change your look in the wardrobe at least once.
Use your first brick from the sandbox.
Produce at least one simulation fail after the tutorial.