Collect all trophies
Achieve Level 5 Evil Karma
Finish the game on Expert difficulty
Finish the story with Evil Karma
Show the world that nobody can protect them
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Don't fear the weak
Get them before they get you
Look out for yourself, no matter the consequences
Comet Drop over 170 meters
Achieve Level 5 Good Karma
Finish the story with Good Karma
Expose the corruption of the powerful
Collect all the Blast Shards
Clear the D.U.P. out of the entire city
Everyone deserves a second chance
Complete all of the District Showdowns in the city
Defeat all the D.U.P. Secret Agents
Destroy all the D.U.P. Hidden Cameras
Collect all the Informant Audio Logs
Destroy all of the D.U.P. security cameras
Complete all the Stencil Art
Defeat an enemy using three different power sources
Clear the D.U.P. out of half the districts in the city
Complete Showdowns in half of the districts
Destroy half the D.U.P. security cameras
Collect half the Blast Shards
Stand up for the helpless
Stay in the air for more than 45 seconds
Kill 10 obnoxious Akuran gang members
Rescue 10 escaped conduits from angry mobs
Beat down 10 sign twirlers
Take out 10 street musicians
Clear the D.U.P. completely out of a district
Practice self-control
Defeat 10 enemies by detonating ammo crates
Hit three weak points with Neon Beam in 6 seconds
Complete a District Showdown
Disrupt 10 activist rallies
Rescue 10 suspects from suspicion pens
Use a Karmic Streak attack to defeat exactly one enemy
Destroy 5 cars in 5 seconds
Bust 10 drug dealers
Dash through two red air vents without touching the ground and then Comet Drop on an enemy
Comet Drop on three coughing enemies
Heal 10 wounded civilians
Finish off 10 wounded enemies or civilians
Risk your freedom to protect those you care about