Successfully reach the end of Twogether: Project Indigos chapter 1.
Block both level 2's PurpleZone's green lights with a box.
Deactivate level 2's ColorZone's last security system.
Deactivate level 2's ColorZone's YELLOWline security.
Stay watching the projector in the ColorZone from beginning to end.
Deactivate level 2's ColorZone's GREENline security.
Deactivate level 2's ColorZone's REDline security.
Deactivate level 2's ColorZone's BLUEline security.
Cancel telekinesis and drop a box while Sam is standing on it.
Use telekinesis to lift a box while Sam is standing on it.
Use the elevator to get to level 2.
Clear level 1's DoubleHeight room's puzzles.
Teleport into a green light.
Clear level 1's UmbrellaRoom's puzzle by leaving the box on the platform.
Teleport an absurdly long distance.
Clear level 1's UmbrellaRoom's puzzle without leaving the box on the platform.
Clear level 1's BeltRoom's puzzles.
Clear level 1's SecuRoom's puzzles.
Have both characters be rendered unconscious by green lights simultaneously.
Be rendered unconscious by a green light for the first time.
Use the elevator to get to level 1.
Use telekinesis to move the Rubik's cube.
Successfully complete Rafi's tutorial.
Use telekinesis to move objects 100 times.
Use telekinesis to move objects 50 times.
Use telekinesis to move objects 20 times.
Use telekinesis to move objects 10 times.
Successfully complete Sam's tutorial.
Teleport 100 times.
Teleport 50 times.
Teleport 20 times.
Teleport 10 times.