Got all trophies
Completed the game
Completed the game in Scottish Gaelic
Completed the game without sprinting for more than 10 total minutes
Entered the Derrick
Find every reachable dead crew member
Defeated Rennick
Listen to every optional phonecall
Rebalanced the Beira D
Used all electrical interaction types on the Beira D
Made it to the roof of Accommodation
Find Roy's Spoon after the sinking
Visit every enterable cabin in the game
Escaped from Flooded Engineering
Die in all electrical hazards on the Beira D
Relit the Flare
Escaped from the Pontoons
Die in all possible ways
Sprint in all movement modes and traversals
Completed Engineering
Restarted the Generator
Pick up and throw 50 different throwables
Died from falling into the sea five times in different places
Escaped from Rennick
Watched the Helicopter Crash
Throw a throwable into the sea
Got back to Roy in the Canteen
Hit a monster with a throwable
Spot a monster while leaning
Put out a fire with an extinguisher
Launched the Lifeboat
Listen to the whole Shipping Forecast
Escaped from Engineering
Drowned inside the rig
Survived the Event
Talk to everyone in the Intro
Made it down to the Canteen and talked with Roy
Spend too much time in the shower room