You've obtained every trophy for Prototo!
Your best survival time is greater than 30 seconds!
Your High Score is greater than 10!
Your best survival time is greater than 1 minute!
Boosted for a total of 15 seconds
Boosted for a total of 10 seconds
Your best survival time is greater than 15 seconds!
Made ten dashes
Your High Score is greater than 1!
Your High Score is greater than 5!
You've experienced your third death
You've played three games
Made 3 dashes
Boosted for a total of 5 seconds
You've started the game on Easy
You've experienced your second death
You've played two games
Made two dashes
You've started the game on Normal
You've experienced your first death
You've played one game
You've dashed once
Dash over an obstacle or an enemy
You've started the game on Hard
You've boosted once