Win 10 matches with Seismic Fist.
Block an opponent's grab 50 times.
Successfully perform 10,000 punches and kicks.
Earn 1,000 bars of Psi.
Win 100 matches.
Earn and equip two Level 3 Psi Amps and finish a match.
Win 5 rounds with a throw from behind.
Travel over 10,000 meters in battle.
Fight against every opponent and fight in every stage in the game.
Win 10 matches with nothing but throws.
Win 25 rounds without taking any damage.
Strike the first blow in 25 rounds.
Block 1,000 strikes in battle.
Win a match with less than 5% health.
Win 5 matches with nothing but kicks.
Win 5 matches with nothing but punches.
Win 3 consecutive Ranked Matches online.
Win 5 rounds with full Psi meter.