Unlock all trophies.
Blow up 2,000 cars.
Earn a criminal rating of 5,000 or higher.
Complete 20 unique jumps.
Achieve 100% completion.
Pass all 20 Rampages.
Complete every RC Toyz mission.
Complete "Patriot Playground", "A Ride in the Park", "Multi-Story Mayhem", and "Gripped!" missions.
Get busted 20 times.
Collect 100 hidden packages.
Complete "The Exchange".
Complete the Portland Docks and Shoreside Vale import/export car lists.
Earn a criminal rating of 2,500.
Waste 1,000 people.
Deliver all emergency vehicles to the crane at the Portland Docks.
Complete "A Drop in the Ocean".
Complete the "Kingdom Come" mission.
Amass a fortune of $1,000,000.
Complete "Last Requests".
Destroy five helicopters.
Waste 100 gang members.
Perform a perfect insane stunt.
Complete the "Turismo" race in under 180 seconds.
Crush a car at the junkyard.
Kill 20 criminals during one Vigilante mission.
Complete 100 taxi fares.
Complete Paramedic level 12.
Extinguish 20 fires during a single Fire Truck mission.
Complete "Luigi's Girls".