Kill 25 Enemies using the Rage of the Gods
Throw, Slam and Ram a grappled enemy
Defeat the infected Hand of Aegaeon
Free Kratos from his imprisonment
Complete the MP Training in Olympus
Unlock all Trophies
Upgrade any Magic to the next level
Solve the Rolling Crusher Puzzle
Win the Buttonless MiniGame against a Juggernaut
Perform a 1000 Hit Combo
Ring out an enemy with the Club
Ride the snake back to the Tower of Delphi
Use All 5 World Weapons in Combat
Win the Buttonless MiniGame against a Manticore
Breathe the toxic gases within the Oracle's Temple
Reconstruct the Water Wheel of Kirra
Slow 100 Enemies with the Amulet of Uroborus
Spill 500 buckets of blood on Kratos
Treat the Martyr of Hecatonchires poorly
Use the Oath Stone of Orkos in Combat 10 Times
Hit 100 Enemies with the Oath Stone of Orkos
Defeat Megaera and the Titan Hecatonchires
Keep the Rage Meter Filled for 2+ Minutes
Defeat Pollux
Orkos helps Kratos escape the Fury Ambush
Complete the Screw of Archimedes without getting hit by the Fire Traps
Collect all of the Phoenix Feathers
Collect all of the Gorgon Eyes
Completely Upgrade Kratos
Complete the slide in the Statue of Apollo without dying
Use the Eyes of Truth successfully
Collect all Artifacts in the game
Complete the Gauntlet of Archimedes
Reconstruct all of the Decayed Chests
Complete the Game
Complete the game on Hard Difficulty