Unlock every Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition trophy.
Reach level 60 in multiplayer.
Win a ranked match in every multiplayer mode.
Complete a match in all multiplayer modes.
Revive a teammate in a multiplayer match.
In multiplayer, be the only player on your team that isn't dead or downed.
Kill 2 multiplayer enemies with a single explosive.
Buy every upgrade and character in multiplayer.
Purchase a new multiplayer character.
Reach level 10 in multiplayer.
Fully mod and completely upgrade all weapons.
Complete the game.
Find all documents, relics and GPS caches.
Purchase all skills in all categories.
Fully mod and completely upgrade any weapon.
Complete all challenges.
Complete all optional tombs.
Complete all conversations with the Endurance crew.
Find 75% of all documents.
Collect 75% of all relics.
Kill and loot 10 flying animals (crows and gulls).
Find 75% of GPS caches.
Kill FeeFee the crab.
Purchase all skills in one category.
Loot 200 enemies.
Kill 40 enemies with the shotgun.
Kill 35 enemies with the pistol.
Kill 75 enemies with the rifle.
Kill and loot 10 small animals (rabbits, chickens, rats).
Kill 25 unaware enemies.
Shoot 10 enemies off zip lines.
Force an enemy to drop dynamite that kills two people when exploding.
Collect 5000 pieces of salvage.
Shoot a bundle of dynamite out of the air.
Incapacitate 25 enemies with dodge counter.
Perform 50 headshot kills in the single player campaign.
Rope pull 5 enemies off edges.
Kill 50 enemies with the bow.
Perform 15 finishers.
Find 25% of GPS caches.
Collect 25% of all relics.
Find 25% of all documents.
Complete one optional tomb.
Kill and loot 10 large animals (deer, boar, wolves).
Complete one challenge.
Survive 10 explosions in multiplayer.
In multiplayer, escape death 3 times by using the rope ascender.
Catch a player in a snare trap in multiplayer.
Kill 10 multiplayer enemies using your melee attack.
Kill a zip-lining enemy player in multiplayer.
Kill 20 enemy players in multiplayer using a turret.