Achieve the highest possible Awesomeness level.
Find all bad takes in "Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective".
Give not-so-subtle hints to who you know (of).
Find all costume pieces.
Find out who the real villain is and stop him!
Nunchuk all possible characters.
Recover the Rocket Parts for the scientist.
Find all 12 collectibles.
Obtain all bullets with names on them.
Obtain all pieces of Dangeresque 3 Merchandise.
Collect all pages to the "Space Circus Catastrophe!" manual.
Obtain the plans and access to Uzi Bazooka's Hideout.
Obtain the Formula to save the Rainforest.
Obtain a high score of 15,000 points in "Space Circus Catastrophe!".
Get hired by renowned Rainforest conservationist Cutesy Buttons.