Unlock every trophy in the game
Win an online demolition derby
Win 5 games in a single online session
Win 3 games in a single online session
Win an online race
Climb out of elimination position after having seen the crossbones
Win an exhibition event on insane difficulty (minimum of 7 opponents)
Watch a saved replay in the replay theater
"Rules Of The Road" - Perfect score
Unlock every vehicle
Get 100% completion on the career
"The Final Standoff" - Perfect score
Unlock every level
Complete the career
Earn 100,000 mayhem points
"A New Level Of Mayhem" - Perfect score
Hit 4 opponents with a single ramming speed boost (excluding challenge events)
Unlock issue 9, "The Final Standoff"
Collect 100 career stars
Unlock all game options
"Mixed Up Mayhem" - Perfect score
"Unleash The Beasts" - Perfect score
Unlock issue 8, "A New Level Of Mayhem"
Unlock issue 7, "Unleash The Beasts"
Earn 3,000 mayhem points in a single event (excluding challenge events)
"Toro! Toro! Toro!" - Perfect score
Unlock issue 6, "Mixed Up Mayhem"
Earn 20,000 mayhem points
"Blue Ribbon Brawl" - Perfect score
Unlock issue 5, "Toro! Toro! Toro!"
Use a stunned vehicle to push another vehicle into a pit (excluding challenge events)
KO an opponent with ramming speed (excluding challenge events)
"Date With Disaster" - Perfect score
Collect 25 career stars
Unlock issue 4, "Blue Ribbon Brawl"
Collect 20 vehicle parts in a single event (excluding challenge events)
"Dead Man At The Gorge" - Perfect score
Unlock issue 3, "Date With Disaster"