Unlock all trophies
Spent a total of 1 hour making Latte Art
Reunite Tofu with his owner
Unlock all the artworks in the Gallery
Listen to all of the songs
Unlock Aremy x Nekochel's whole album
Serve Rachel "Milk Honey Green Tea" when she needs inspiration
Serve Rachel "Dreamin' Blue" when she needs inspiration
Give Riona the fidget spinner
Unlock all special drinks
Serve 50 correct drinks in a single session of challenge mode
Serve 25 correct drinks in a single session of challenge mode
Serve 10 correct drinks in a single session of challenge mode
Complete Lucas and Riona's normal story arcs
Complete Jorji's good story arc once
Don't give Gala Hyde's invite to the wedding
Complete Silver and Amanda's good story arc (ver. 2)
Complete the story mode with the least amount of points possible
Finish Jorji's incomplete story arc once
Complete Hyde's normal story arc
Complete Lua and Baileys' normal story arc
Fail to inspire Rachel with your drink
Aqua & Myrtle didn't get to make up
Complete Silver and Amanda's normal story arc
Give Lucas incorrect drinks on his first three visits
Forget to give Jorji his lighter back
Provide Riona with poor service until she no longer visits the coffee shop
Forget to give items to the intended recipients at least once
Serve the wrong drink for the first time
Play the story mode to conclusion once
Serve Lucas the drink “Five Stars!” on his ‘Reviewer’s Test’
Complete Jorji, Lucas, and Riona's best story arcs simultaneously
Complete Lucas and Riona's best story arcs
Ensure everyone gets the right drink
Complete Hyde's good story arc
Complete Lua and Baileys' good story arc
Serve Rachel "Sweetheart Latte" when she needs inspiration
Be invited to Lua and Baileys' wedding
Complete Silver and Amanda's good story arc (ver. 1)
Unlock the conversation with Detective McQueen
Prevent Gala from getting fined
Steal the Agent's key card and give it to Silver
Serve Hyde his favored hibiscus drink
Meet all of the main characters
Give Lucas all the correct drinks
Trash a total of 25 drinks
Give Gala the fidget spinner
Give Lucas’s contact info or the fidget spinner to Rachel
Serve Myrtle and/or Aqua correct drinks on Day 2
Create and serve your first latte art
Brew your first drink
Trash your drink for the first time
Start a new game